General & Developmental Pediatrics
Office: 636-527-8900
Fax: 636-527-8912

Newborn Care
Bringing a newborn into the world is a joyous and transformative experience, accompanied by a world of questions and uncertainties. Dr. Garriga has four children and understands the challenges and joys of parenting. We pay special attention to your child's development and aim to support you in your parenting journey. We take a relaxed approach without ignoring any concerning findings. In our office, you will always be a partner in your child's care.
The First Weeks
The first two weeks with your newborn are a time of adjustment and bonding. Here's what you need to know:
Feeding: Whether you're breastfeeding or formula feeding, parents can have concerns about their child's growth. At every check up, we will discuss your child's growth and address if there are any concerns.
Sleeping: We pay special attention to sleep behaviors and how to ensure good sleep (for child and parents alike)
Doctor Visits: We see babies within 2 days of discharge from the hospital to assure feeding is going well. Please call our office from the hospital to make your first appointment. We will always make room for you.
1-3 Months
As your baby reaches the one to three-month mark, you'll notice exciting developments:
Smiles and Coos: Your baby will start responding to you with smiles, coos, and other vocalizations.
Tummy Time: Begin incorporating tummy time to help strengthen your baby's neck and upper body muscles.
Sleep Patterns: Babies may start sleeping for longer stretches at night, but daytime naps might still be short.
Months 4-6:
Between four to six months, your baby's development accelerates:
Solid Foods: We recommend starting to feed solids around 4- 5 months. Studies have shown that introducing egg white and peanut products at regular intervals from 4 months to 1 year can greatly reduce allergies to those foods.
Rolling Over: Many babies start rolling over. Never leave a baby unattended on a high surface.
Laughter and Babbling: Your baby's sounds become more varied, and they may start laughing and babbling.
Sleep Habits: Sleep regressions might occur due to developmental changes, so be prepared for some disruptions. We can discuss these during appointments.
Interactive Play: Your face is your baby's favorite thing to look at. Spend time talking to your baby and smiling at him/her. Enjoy the facial expressions your baby makes and the chatter s/he can already engage in.
Months 7-9:
During this stage, your baby becomes a little explorer:
Sitting Up: Around 6-7 months, your baby might be able to sit up unassisted.
Crawling: Some babies start crawling during this period, so baby-proof your home.
Babbling to Words: Babbling evolves into imitating sounds and simple words.
Separation Anxiety: Your baby may show signs of separation anxiety when you're not around.
Introduction to Finger Foods: As your baby's motor skills improve, introduce soft finger foods for self-feeding.
Months 10-12:
In the final stretch of the first year, your baby becomes increasingly independent:
Cruising and Standing: Your baby might start pulling themselves up and cruising along furniture.
First Words: First real words might emerge, and they may understand simple instructions.
Improved Motor Skills: Hand-eye coordination improves, enabling your baby to explore objects more deliberately.
Transition to Whole Milk: Around the one-year mark, we recommend transitioning to whole milk and abandoning the bottle. If you still breast feed, feel free to continue.
Celebrating the First Birthday: This milestone marks a year of growth, learning, and cherished memories.
Remember, every baby is unique, and development occurs at an individual pace. Regular doctor visits, open communication, and your intuition as a parent will be your best guides through this incredible journey of newborn care and growth.